2 important files

 Hello everyone! Hope you are having a good day. Today 2 new files were uploaded on the Supernova.

It's very important for you guys to check them out. First thing you can find is Switchere. This is step-by-step guide you can find on Platfrom Wiki -> More -> Switchere; There you can learn how to sign-up and make a deposit through Switchere platform which might be very useful for certain countries.

Speaking about countries. At this moment there is one more HUGE file has been uploaded to supernova as Countries & Payment Methods, on which we were working for quite a while. On this file you will get a certain scheme which will help you to understand which platform you may go to charge a customer from a certain country. Billing department strongly recommend you to read this file very and very attentively for you to have a vision where you can charge the customer. 

You can find this file on Finance -> Countries & Payments

If you have some suggestions on new files please fill free to write it down in comments or text directly to us. 

Have a nice day and GOOD LUCK WARRIORS!


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